About Us

Our Institute has cut its niche as Africa’s leading think tank on China-Africa studies, the Horn of Africa, climate change, humanitarian diplomacy and comparative analyses of Indo-Pacific strategies.

  • China Africa

Climate Change

Environmental changes and related challenges can contribute to migration within and across borders, as well as conflicts over resources such as water and land.

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Center & Knowledge Hub

API's research and analysis are aimed at providing evidence-based insights, policy recommendations, and strategic guidance to policymakers, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector.

Our Focus
  • Governance
  • Development
  • Africa Security
  • Regional Integration
  • Policy Analysis
  • Advocacy
  • Research
  • 70


    Professional Experts

  • 20


    Projects Complete

  • 16


    World-wide Clients

API Africa Impact

We have made impact to informed decision-making, capacity building, advocacy for policy reforms, and fostering regional cooperation. .

Explore Area
1. Horn of Africa

API contributes to stability, cooperation, and development in countries like Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti through research and policy recommendations.

2. China-Africa Relations

API's analysis aids understanding of economic cooperation, investment, and infrastructure projects, supporting informed decision-making regarding China's role in Africa.

3. Foreign Policy

API's insights help shape African countries' diplomatic strategies, regional collaboration, and global engagement.

4. Constitutions

API's expertise supports constitutional reforms, governance structures, and legal frameworks, promoting democratic governance and human rights.

5. Violent Extremism

API addresses root causes of extremism, providing evidence-based strategies for prevention, counteraction, and peacebuilding.

6. Regional Refugee Response

API contributes to regional strategies for refugee crises, aiding in protection, humanitarian assistance, and migration management.