The China-Africa Center (CAC) is conceived as Africa Policy Institute’s center of excellence on evidence-based policy research to inform policy-making, dialogue, capacity development and advisory support to African governments and regional organizations as well as partners on China-Africa relations.

Through our team of experts, associates and fellows on Africa-China relations, the center brings scientific or technical expertise to bear on the generation of research-based knowledge to provide practical options and African-centered solutions to challenges relating to peace, development, governance, policy, cultural exchanges and climate change.

The Center publishes books, reports and articles, organizes forums for dialogue, training and capacity building to share knowledge, policy options and solutions on China-Africa issues.

  • China-Africa Cooperation on Renewable Energy, Industrialization and Manufacturing.

  • Monitoring the implementation of the Outlook on Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa

  • Tracking the Implementation of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

  • The Impact of China’s Global Development Initiative on the implementation of African Agenda 2063 and the Global Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development Goals.

Our Experts

Our forte lies in our ability to drawing upon a reservoir of experts from diverse specialized fields drawn from academia, think tanks, defense, security, intelligence and development background with practical experience.

Our experts regularly publish their research on API website, professional journals, publish opinion pieces in reputable papers and are featured in top media outlets and deliver papers in conferences across the world.

Dennis Munene Mwaniki
Executive Director
Dr Elijah N. Munyi
Associates & Fellows
Li Kunruonan
Associates & Fellows
Dr. Adhere Cavince
Associates & Fellows
Associates & Fellows
Professor George Oreku
Associates & Fellows
Prof. Yonas Adaye
Associates & Fellows
Prof. Herbert Mushangwe
Associates & Fellows
Ms Sanusha Naidu
Associates & Fellows
Charles Onunaiju
Associates & Fellows